Freedom From Slavery & Forced Labour
“Freedom from Slavery and Forced Labour” is a term that emphasizes the fundamental principle of protecting individuals from the oppressive practices of slavery and forced labour.
Here is a detailed explanation
The term “liberty” represents the fundamental right of individuals to live without being subjected to slavery or forced labour. It means the absence of coercion, exploitation and subjugation.
The term “slavery” refers to the state or practice of owning individuals as property, depriving them of their rights, and treating them as commodities. By explicitly mentioning slavery, the title emphasizes the absolute rejection of this hideous institution.
Forced Labour
“Forced labour” refers to work or services obtained from individuals under threat of punishment or coercion where they have no choice or consent in the matter. It emphasizes the importance of protecting individuals from any form of forced or involuntary work.
Combination Of These Elements
Combining these elements, the title “Freedom from Slavery and Forced Labour” summarizes the intention to establish and protect the rights of individuals to live without being enslaved or forced to work against their will. It emphasizes the commitment to promote human dignity, autonomy and the elimination of exploitative practices in Pakistan’s legal framework.
Freedom From Slavery
Freedom from slavery refers to the basic human right of individuals to be freed from the institution of slavery. It includes the idea that every person should have a natural right to live their life without being owned, controlled or exploited by others.
Here is a detailed explanation of freedom from slavery
Definition of Slavery:
Slavery is a condition where individuals are treated as property and deprived of their personal freedom, autonomy and basic human rights. It involves the complete control and domination of one person over another, often enforced by force, coercion
or fraud. Slavery usually includes aspects such as forced labour, servitude and human trafficking.
Inherent Human Dignity and Equality:
Freedom from slavery recognizes the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings. It recognizes that no individual
should be reduced to the status of a commodity or object, but rather should be treated as a person with rights, agency and
Prohibition and Abolition:
Freedom from slavery means the legal and moral prohibition of the institution of slavery in all its forms. It means that the state and society have an obligation to actively fight against and eliminate slavery, to ensure that laws are in place to prevent it, and that those involved in perpetuating this abominable practice will be punished accordingly.
Protection of Rights:
Freedom from slavery includes the protection of various human rights. These rights include the right to life, liberty, security, dignity, equality and freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It also includes the right to work under fair and just conditions, free from forced labour or involuntary servitude.
International Standards:
Freedom from slavery is consistent with international human rights standards and conventions. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Labour Organization’s Forced Labour Convention are examples of international instruments that recognize and promote freedom from slavery as a fundamental human right.
Access to Justice and Remedies:
Freedom from slavery includes the right of victims to access justice and seek appropriate remedies. This includes holding perpetrators accountable for their actions, providing support and protection to victims, and offering opportunities for legal redress, compensation and rehabilitation.

Forced Labour Or Involuntary Servitude
Forced labour, also known as forced labour or involuntary servitude, refers to a situation where individuals are forced to work against their will, under threat of punishment or some form of coercion. It involves the exploitation of individuals who are deprived of their freedom and basic human rights.
Here is a detailed explanation of forced labour:
Lack of Consent:
In forced labour, individuals are forced to work without their voluntary consent. They may be forced to work through various
means, such as physical violence, threats, fraud, debt slavery or manipulation of vulnerability, denying them the freedom to
choose or refuse work.
Absence of Freedom:
Forced labour deprives individuals of their freedom and autonomy moreover they are usually subject to the control and domination of others who dictate the terms of their work. They may be confined to a certain location, have limited movement, or be closely monitored to ensure compliance.
Exploitation and Inequality:
Forced labour is often accompanied by exploitative practices and Workers may be subjected to long working hours, dangerous conditions, inadequate wages or inhumane treatment. They are routinely denied basic labour rights, including the right to fair pay, safe working conditions, and the ability to organize and bargain collectively.
Different Forms:
Forced labour can take different forms depending on the specific context and sectors involved. It can be found in industries such as agriculture, construction, manufacturing, domestic work, mining, and even in the production of goods and services in global supply chains.
Human Trafficking:
Forced labour is closely related to human trafficking. Victims of human trafficking are often subjected to forced labour because they are forcibly transported or recruited through fraud or coercion and then exploited by working under exploitative conditions.
International Recognition:
Forced labour is widely condemned as a violation of human rights. International conventions and treaties, such as the International Labour Organization’s Forced Labour Convention (No. 29) and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, recognize it as a serious form of labour exploitation.
Introduction To Article 11
Article 11 of the constitution adopted in 1973 and amended in 2015 contains the following provisions:
- Slavery does not exist and is prohibited and no law permits or enables its introduction into Pakistan in any form.
- All forms of forced labour and human trafficking are prohibited.
Application Of Article 11
Article 11 of the Constitution of Pakistan, which prohibits slavery, forced labour and human trafficking, is invoked in various contexts. It is used to guide the development of legislation, enable law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute perpetrators, protect the rights of victims during legal proceedings, provide support and rehabilitation to victims, raise awareness of the illegality of these practices and promote international cooperation to combat slavery and forced labour. By invoking Article 11, Pakistan ensures the protection of individuals, promotes human rights and seeks to eradicate slavery and forced labour within its jurisdiction.
Best Law Firm In Pakistan Expertise In Article 11
Izyan Law Firm is widely recognized as one of the best law firms in Pakistan to provide guidance and expertise in matters related to Article 11 of the Constitution. Izyan Law Consultant with its team of experienced and knowledgeable lawyers is dedicated to respecting the principles of freedom from slavery and forced labour. Our deep understanding of constitutional law and human rights enables us to provide comprehensive legal advice to ensure that our clients’ rights are protected and respected. Our commitment to excellence, attention to detail and client-centric approach make Izyan Law Firm a trusted choice for individuals, organizations and institutions seeking guidance on Article 11 matters. We adhere to the law and help clients defend their rights in cases involving slavery, forced labour and human trafficking.