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Business tax planning is the analysis of a financial situation or strategy from a taxation standpoint, the persistence of tax planning is to ensure tax efficiency, and through tax planning, all foundations of the financial strategy work together in the most tax-friendly manner possible. IZYAN Law consultant’s tax practice brings with it over four decades of experience in dealing with the complexities of Pakistan’s Taxation system. Our tax experts are adept at finding answers to business problems across varied sectors, as well as objectively analyzing solutions proposed by others. Our …
Practices Area


Intellectual Property Enforcement (IPE) has objectives to deter access to counterfeit and pirated goods that can harm consumers; to ensure that the interests of IP rights holders are protected; and to promote IP protection and enforcement as imperative for economic development in the country. IZYANLAW & ASSOCIATES is one of the leading IP laws firms in Pakistan with its network spread across Pakistan rendering Intellectual Property Enforcement Services to its clients proficiently and efficiently. In today’s competitive world it is important to ensure that the Companies are protected from any …
Practices Area


Copyright law comprehends an exclusive intellectual property right to the owner to use the original expressive work with some limited exceptions, notable instances entitled to copyright protection include the original works of fictional writings, non-fictional writings, music, lyrics, architectural design, artistic works, paintings, and sculptures etc. It is the right of literary property as recognized and sanctioned by a positive law, the Copyright Ordinance, 1962 as amended by Copyright (Amended) Act 1992. An intangible, incorporeal, right granted by these statutes to the author or originator of certain literacy or artistic …
Practices Area


Provident fund is a common retirement plan to benefit the employees, which is contributory in nature and yields a feeling of participation in employees, the establishment settles the provident fund in form of trust, required to be registered with the concerned sub-registrar for getting the status of an independent body. There are three types of Provident funds, which are known as: Statutory Provident Funds, which are set up under the Provident Fund Act, 1925 and is maintained by the Government, semi Government organizations, local authorities and other such institutions. Payments …
Practices Area

Best Investment Law Firm in Pakistan

Best Investment Law Firm in Pakistan The best investment law firm in Pakistan will vary depending on individual needs and preferences. The top best investment law firms in Pakistan provide information and they help clients make informed investment decisions by providing advice on legal, regulatory, and market considerations. they represent their clients in investment-related disputes, through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation Advising foreign investors on the legal framework for investing in Pakistan, including restrictions on foreign ownership. Assisting clients in implementing and maintaining proper corporate governance procedures. You need to …
Practices Area


An international business transaction is the type of agreement between parties of two or more countries, these transactions include sale, purchase, licensing and investment etc.; the parties to international business agreement include individuals, small and large multinational corporate entities and even governments. In order to understand the international business transactions, it is important to understand international business law which examines and sets boundaries with regard to the rules that govern international economic relations and transboundary economic conduct by states, international organizations as well as private sectors at the international level. …
Practices Area


Import and export registration is a vital step in the process of international trade, and it is essential for businesses to understand and comply with the laws and regulations of the country they are trading with. In Pakistan, the process of import and export registration is governed by several laws and regulations, including the Customs Act, 1969, the Sales Tax Act, 1990, and the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The first step in the import and export registration process in Pakistan is obtaining a National Tax Number (NTN) and a Sales …
Practices Area


Franchise law narrates the business model of franchising, a business practice that allows the franchising company to license its business model, intellectual property rights such as logos, trademarks, and patents and corporate goodwill to another company or individual. Franchising is the granting of certain rights by one party (the Franchisor) to another (the Franchisee) in return for a sum of money. The franchisee then exercises those rights under the guidance of the franchisor. Franchising is a business arrangement where a franchisor sells a business idea and methodology or a ‘franchise …
Practices Area

Best Drafting and Vetting services in Pakistan

Best Drafting and Vetting services in Pakistan Drafting and vetting involve a full investigation of the terms of the contract to ensure all necessary measures are taken. Exact duties are defined Financial security Legal recourse Clearly defined issues Clarity of aspects and financial conditions, etc. Basic processes to provide services: Consultation: The service provider will have a meeting with the client to understand their requirements, objectives, and legal concerns. the drafting process involves confirming accuracy, clarity, and compliance with related laws and regulations. Vetting: Vetting services include studying current legal …
Practices Area

Best Contract Law Services Firm

Best Contract Law Services Firm Best Contract law services firm provides a framework for the creation, validity, performance, and remedies in contractual relationships. Contract law is a branch of legal principles and rules that govern agreements between parties. It encompasses the rules and regulations that determine how contracts are formed, interpreted, and enforced. Services of Best Contract Law Firm These firms have a team of experienced contract lawyers who are well-versed in contract law and can handle a variety of contract-related matters. some common services offered by the best contract …
Practices Area


CONSUMER PROTECTION LAW SERVICES – PAKISTAN consumer protection law, is a body of laws and regulations that aim to protect the rights and interests of consumers in their interactions with businesses. The idea of ​​consumer protection laws was first adopted in Pakistan by the federal government in 1995 Islamabad-specific consumer protection act from 1995. Provincial governments followed suit and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Assembly passed the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Consumer Protection Act, of 1997. the establishment of District Consumer Courts for all the districts of Islamabad, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan …
Practices Area


Competition law, also known as antitrust law, promotes or maintain market competition in a free market economy by enforcing anti-competitive regulations to prevent firms / companies involving in abuse of dominant position, deceptive marketing practices, indulging in anti-competitive agreements and prohibited mergers that would substantially lessen the competition. In nutshell, competition law is the body of legislation intended to prevent market distortion caused by anti-competitive practices on the part of businesses. The purpose of competition law is ensuring a fair marketplace for consumers and producers by prohibiting unethical malpractices designed …
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